ODA02 US ODA SF (Green Berets) with soft hats and M4 carbines + M203 Based on the ODA forces active in 2001 - 2004 the unit is armed with M4 carbines with M203 £6.00 Quantity: at £6.00 each 944 in stock. 0 in your basket View Basket Checkout
0 in your basket View Basket Checkout ODA01 US ODA SF (Green Berets) with soft hats and M4 carbines £6.00
0 in your basket View Basket Checkout ODA04 US ODA SF (Green Berets) with soft hats Command team £6.00
0 in your basket View Basket Checkout ODA08 US ODA SF (Green Berets) with soft hats, DMR, SOFLAM and SAW £4.50
0 in your basket View Basket Checkout ODA07 US ODA SF (Green Berets) with soft hats riflemen in mixed gear £6.00