Fund future ranges! - Shop

This is the Elhiem funding programme similar to other systems on the internet. This is the cheapest and most interactive method that we can think of . If in doubt, please do not pay to vote. Elhiem does have a very good reputation to uphold though so, if there are any issues please contact us directly to resolve them. [email protected]

Each vote/fund costs £1 -non refundable, non returnable. If a project doesnt meet the vote threshold, the money cannot be refunded.

You can vote as many times as you want. All we need to see is that the idea has enough money backing it to start the initial works.

The vote/fund threshold will be the stock level. Once the stock hits '0' the Project is locked and will start.

Ideas will be given a fair idea of what to expect in range coverage (ie 10 figures or more) and a target threshold (so many Votes secured) that Elhiem have set (based on complexities or estimated future sales). Once this total is reached the project WILL be made (please be aware it can take many months from start to finish after the threshold has been achieved).


We hope to make a Special Single Figure that will be given too each person that pays for a Vote/Fund. The miniature will be of the same subject of the vote and will not be sold or made available elsewhere for at least 5 years -if ever. 

If people do multiple votes, you can either have more of the special figure or extra figures (1 vote=1 figure).

As stated, the software does not let us track who purchased a particular figure, so it will have to be recorded manualy and mistakes happen. Please contact us with your details if this does occur.

You will still have to buy the sets to get the miniatures.

If you would like a Project added to the vote list, please contact us via the website, email Facebook or our Forum (where most updates are).


The Projects coming up in order SEE Bottom for completed Votes:

Panzer Lehr - Done, available now!

UK SF mid 2000's Task Force Black (SAS) Done, available now!

Fantasy RPG characters in 1/72 - Heroes done! Available now!

Modern Sweedish Army, Done Available Now!

Modern French , Done ! Go Buy!

WW2 German Gerbirgsjager All Done!

Iran Iraq War Done!

Sci Fi- Star Legion Done!

NUU and NUR future US and Russian Done!

Cold War Polish Done!

06. Cold War Cubans Done!

07. Modern Russians in Gorkas DONE! Just intime for the invasion of Ukraine :(

06.ISIS - Done!

07. Cold War French Done!

08. Sci Fi Cats Done!

09. Israeli Forces Yom Kippur About to complete!

10. Panzer Lehr v4 Done!

11. Si Fi - Planet of the simians Done

12. SRR Done

13. Modern Russia Support weapons DONE

14. PLA China Starting DONE October 2024

15. Lone Seal Recon -started

16.Ultra Modern USMC





21.YPG Kurds p2

22. Russian Post Apoc range (foreshadowing?)

23.Cold War Czech

24.Dutch Squad



27.ANA Afghans

28.SF in caps and shirts

29.NAM Anzacs

The Following is the list of Commissions in Order. They will be made in between the Vote projects:

WW2 US Paratrooper LMG moving: Done!

WW2 Thai Platoon Command and Grenadiers ...DONE

WW2 french tropical motorcyclist (no bikes) DONE!

Modern Estonians - TB Cancelled

WW2 Dutch East Indies (in progress - BIG range)

IRAQ and IRAN expansion DONE November 2024

Modern US Rangers started

Renaissance Expansion

Modern US Army

WW2 US Army RangersDONE!

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